September 11 – A Decade After

My parents day of infamy was Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941. Ours is 9-11-01 – Attack on America.

Just as the Japanese destruction of Pearl Harbor did in 1941, the terrorists air strikes of 2001 changed our lives, our history and our country. Both events triggered market drops. Both events triggered years long military conflict. Both events enraged and saddened our citizens. Both events brought us together in patriotic solidarity.

Today my thoughts and heart reach out to those directly impacted by the events 10 years ago, and to those who have defended against terrorism since.

My message to those who would attempt destruction of our 235 year governmental experiment:

Neither physical acts of terrorism nor resulting security laws we enact will prohibit the American people from vigilant pursuit of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We stand together – continuing and renewing our great experiment to ensure that government forever derives it’s power from the consent of the people.